Frequently asked Questions
In the state of Florida, you must hire a licensed water well contractor to install a water well. Please verify you are hiring a licensed contractor. Each contractor is licensed through their prospective water management district. You can always verify this information by contacting the district or your local Department of Health. This is very important not only to you but to protecting Florida’s groundwater. Ask to see their license or provide you with their number. This is not an occupational license, but a license issued by the water management district. I cannot stress enough how important this is. If you hire an unlicensed water well contractor, not only are you taking a risk, but the person who installed the well is also taking a risk in terms of fines and penalties.
There are many variables that can affect the cost of the well. The geology in the area can be very diverse. There are areas that have good rock formations and others where the rock is sparse and only sand. This is where you need to rely on an experienced contractor who can determine the required construction methods.
Within our service area, all of the wells we construct will be steel cased wells
A shallow well, or screen well as it is also called, is drawing surface water only. We do not install shallow wells in our area. We install what is referred to as a deep, or artesian well. A deep well is drawing water from the aquifer. Wells in the area can range from an average of 100-300 foot for an artesian well. The contractor should have vast experience and be able to provide you with approximate depths near your property.
Our well packages will consist of a submersible pump. The pump will be set on galvanized drop pipe sized by the pump discharge. The well head will be a constant pressure system either through a cycle stop valve or a variable frequency drive. The system will have a bladder tank. All of our pump system equipment will carry a 5-year manufacturer’s warranty.

The state setbacks will be a big determining factor as well as the property elevation. First, for a domestic well the setback is 75-feet from any septic tank and or drain field, and 50-feet for irrigation. This means not just yours, but any in a radius. This could be your neighbor next door or even a house across the street. If you are unable to 100-percent verify these locations, you need to hire a septic tank contractor to locate these for you. In regard to elevation, we want to drill the well on the highest point on your property as possible, always upgradient from your septic system.
We offer 3 standard residential well packages with varying pumping rates. The actual volume of the pump will be affected by the static water table once the well is drilled. If you will be doing large-scale irrigation or multiple buildings on your property, we can customize a package to suit your needs. Every well we drill will be capable of producing the maximum volume of that diameter well. You can always upgrade your pump system later down the road if needed.
We recommend an annual service on your well system. Think of it like your car. Do not wait until a failure happens. You can prevent a lot of problems by annual or biannual maintenance.
We do not recommend that anyone other than a licensed water well contractor remove a well seal or casing adapter from the well. In order to properly chlorinate a well the following must happen. If you have a jet pump system, the pipe must be completely pulled out, due to leathers sealing the drop pipe to the casing you will never get chlorine to enter into the water. If you have a submersible pump, we have methods to inject the chlorine solution into the water. By just pouring bleach into your well, you are doing nothing more than rotting out the well casing.
In the state of Florida, you must hire a licensed water well contractor to install a water well. Please verify you are hiring a licensed contractor. Each contractor is licensed through their prospective water management district. You can always verify this information by contacting the district or your local Department of Health. This is very important not only to you but to protecting Florida’s groundwater. Ask to see their license or provide you with their number. This is not an occupational license, but a license issued by the water management district. I cannot stress enough how important this is. If you hire an unlicensed water well contractor, not only are you taking a risk, but the person who installed the well is also taking a risk in terms of fines and penalties.
There are many variables that can affect the cost of the well. The geology in the area can be very diverse. There are areas that have good rock formations and others where the rock is sparse and only sand. This is where you need to rely on an experienced contractor who can determine the required construction methods.
Within our service area, all of the wells we construct will be steel cased wells
A shallow well, or screen well as it is also called, is drawing surface water only. We do not install shallow wells in our area. We install what is referred to as a deep, or artesian well. A deep well is drawing water from the aquifer. Wells in the area can range from an average of 100-300 foot for an artesian well. The contractor should have vast experience and be able to provide you with approximate depths near your property.
Our well packages will consist of a submersible pump. The pump will be set on galvanized drop pipe sized by the pump discharge. The well head will be a constant pressure system either through a cycle stop valve or a variable frequency drive. The system will have a bladder tank. All of our pump system equipment will carry a 5-year manufacturer’s warranty.
The state setbacks will be a big determining factor as well as the property elevation. First, for a domestic well the setback is 75-feet from any septic tank and or drain field, and 50-feet for irrigation. This means not just yours, but any in a radius. This could be your neighbor next door or even a house across the street. If you are unable to 100-percent verify these locations, you need to hire a septic tank contractor to locate these for you. In regard to elevation, we want to drill the well on the highest point on your property as possible, always upgradient from your septic system.
We offer 3 standard residential well packages with varying pumping rates. The actual volume of the pump will be affected by the static water table once the well is drilled. If you will be doing large-scale irrigation or multiple buildings on your property, we can customize a package to suit your needs. Every well we drill will be capable of producing the maximum volume of that diameter well. You can always upgrade your pump system later down the road if needed.
We recommend an annual service on your well system. Think of it like your car. Do not wait until a failure happens. You can prevent a lot of problems by annual or biannual maintenance.
We do not recommend that anyone other than a licensed water well contractor remove a well seal or casing adapter from the well. In order to properly chlorinate a well the following must happen. If you have a jet pump system, the pipe must be completely pulled out, due to leathers sealing the drop pipe to the casing you will never get chlorine to enter into the water. If you have a submersible pump, we have methods to inject the chlorine solution into the water. By just pouring bleach into your well, you are doing nothing more than rotting out the well casing.
More information can be provided to you by contacting our office.
The national groundwater association has prepared a well-owners guide with some valuable information. It can be found by clicking on the following link: